M O T H E R  T O N G U E

Mother tongue is the first language we acquired naturally. The language of our mother is more important than anything else.  Language is a natural phenomenon. It’s a creation of man’s social needs. A child after its birth hears the language of his parents.  Infants casually imitates whatever  they  see or hear. Thus this tongue slides early according to the slang he tries to make.  Thus he will naturally speak mother tongue. But a second language is to be taught and it will be different for the child. Language is an extremely complex and highly versatile code that is used to communicate our thoughts and desires and experiences to other persons. Man expresses his opinions  and desire in mother tongue. If a man make  a  speech, if he communicates in other language , it deserves only second place. It is just because we think only in our mother tongue

We can say that English is an international language, used in many countries. But, it is used in different accent and style in different countries. It is because the slang of our mother tongue mixes with English. Thus it influences the mother tongue. Language and human cultures intimately related and the one is indispensable to analyzing his culture, it is natural that he should attempt to examine in detail means of communication. This is essential to his society.
“Language is purely humans and nun-instinctive method of communicating ideas, imotions and desires by means of a system of voluntarily   produced  symbols. These symbols are in the first instants auditory and they are produced by so called organs of speech.” Whatever be our mother tongue, we have to accept it . It is no doubt that man expresses his sudden excitements and feelings in his mother tongue to satisfy the objectives of learning one has to use his mother tongue also. Because, without grasping the meaning of but one is studying one can’t learn it. We understand and think in our mother tongue. Mother tongue influence a man till his death

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